March 23, 2011
Michael Barfield
200 S. Washington Blvd, Suite 5
Sarasota, FL 34236
Re: Unlicensed Practice of Law Investigation of Michael Barfield; TFB Case No. 20102091(12)
Dear Mr. Barfield:
The Twelfth Circuit Unlicensed Practice of Law Committee “B” has concluded its investigation of the above-referenced matter and voted to offer you this Letter of Advisement as a means to resolve this investigation. The purpose of this letter is to assist you in understanding what constitutes the unlicensed practice of law in Florida as it applies to your case. It does not require you to admit to any wrongdoing.
You will recall that the investigation in this case stemmed you identifying yourself as a “Legal Consultant” in communications with the Clerk of the City of Anna Maria. In response to the Complaint, your attorney advises that you limit your business to providing consulting services to attorneys and that you use the title “Legal Consultant” in connection with these services.